Spiritual Links & Resources
Websites of Interest:
The Spiritualists' National Union https://www.snu.org.uk/ National Spiritualist Association of Churches https://nsac.org/ The Arthur Findlay College https://www.arthurfindlaycollege.org/ Lily Dale Assembly https://www.lilydaleassembly.org/ SRIC - Researching Survival of the Human Personality After Death https://survivalresearch.ca/ Gordon Higginson Tribute Site https://www.gordonhigginson.co.uk/ Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary https://www.harryedwardshealingsanctuary.org.uk/ The Leslie Flint Trust - Promoting the legacy and archive of Independent Direct Voice medium Leslie Flint http://www.leslieflint.com/ Insights From Spirit - Mediums - Maurice Barbinell & Estelle Roberts https://www.insightsfromspirit.com/ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle https://arthurconandoyle.co.uk/spiritualist Janet Nahovec - Spiritual Medium https://www.janetnohavec.com/ Mavis Patilla https://www.mavispittilla.com/ Harold Sharp - Mediumistic Art https://mediumisticart.com/artists-mediumistic-psychic-visionary-spiritual/harold-sharp Persons of Interest: Estelle Roberts, Cora LV Richmond, William Henry Lilley, Lillian Bailey, Margery Crandon, Helen Hughes, and more to follow... |